Queer “Archives”

Ok, so normally I do not allow advertising on the blog . . . but, a comment maker stopped by to let us all know about IssueLab, a new online archive for recent non-profit research on key issues. This month’s Close Up is on queer youth including some important facts about queer youth of color. It pools info from places like GLSEN, Advocates for Youth, SMYAL, Youth in Focus, as well as other queer agencies. Though it is not as extensive as some of us researchers might like, it is off to a great start. It also has the added treat of introducing readers to guest editorialist Marco Hidalgo whose undergraduate research interests were simply fascinating and who has continued much of them in the conclusion of his graduate work at DePaul. For those who teach regularly on MSMs and queers of color (especially Latinos), he is about to join our ranks and his grant funded research at Howard Brown Health Center, an agency focusing on culturally appropriate GLBTQ issues since 1974, and same sex DSV group work would make for a great guest speaker and/or potential colleague. Go check the edition out.


image “Drastiko” by Hector Silva co. 2008

4 thoughts on “Queer “Archives”

  1. thanks SV. The funniest part of this is I picked that piece because it reminded me of Obregon (another Hector Silva piece). Silva has a copyright but no stated reprint policy on his site so if the pic is gone later just know it isn’t b/c of the mix up. thanks again. πŸ˜€

  2. Hey Professor! [waves}Thank you for mentioning this website! I will check it out and see if it is worthy of being added to my blog roll!Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!LisaYou are invited to drop by my blog and weigh in on a new discussion: “The Pysche of the Black Woman”.

  3. hi πŸ˜€ I’m not sure I will get over there in time to participate, it has been a trying couple of days but I will do my best.

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