It’s in the Water



Angie Stone – So Happy Being Me

In the past week, I have read no less than 5 meltdowns on blogs in which the blog owner has stated unequivocally they are sick of infighting, monitoring comments, and are thinking of quitting. I wrote one myself and it was not pretty. And now, there is one from a radio DJ that has officially received enough hits to become a wordpress “hawt [sic] post.” So is it in the water wires?

Something a friend said last night when I was telling her the actual lyrics to Como un Lobo and the lyrics to Lay Down on Me might be the answer: I guess it’s summer, plenty of time to obsess [about nothing].

Its hot. Gas prices may out pace college loans. Staples are up = you can’t get your ice cream on. It is late enough that those with hopes of summer lovin’ have probably gotten a jumpstart on their winter tears. And the young ones don’t have homework but they do have the internet. So what’s left? Mindless obsession.

Put another way: Boredom + Depression (economic or social) + Too Much Free time (schools out) = Snarkfest

So take heart fellow bloggers, we are at the half way mark. Fall will rescue us.

Until then, I’m going to give you a sampling of songs to help the summer blogging go down a little easier:

Shaan & Gayatri Iyer – My Dil goes MMMM

Cash – You’re My Mind Blowing Mahiya

(yes, if you were in the right club last night you not only heard the remix of this song cut with another, it was also me djing for a wee bit for old times sake)

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