Feminist Icon & Labor Activist “Norma Rae” Dies Waiting for HCR

normaraeCrystal Lee Jordan, the union activist from North Carolina that inspired Sally Field’s Oscar winning performance in Norma Rae, died on Friday because her health insurance company delayed her cancer treatment. Sutton was diagnosed with meningioma but waited two months to begin taking needed medication because her health insurance refused to cover it. While they debated about whether or not the medicine was included in her policy, the cancer spread through her nervous system making the medicine ultimately ineffective. Sutton herself openly criticized the U.S. health care system as an abuse of the power and potentially murderous for the working class. Her criticism got her insurance company to ultimately approve the medicine she needed, too late.

Crystal Lee Jordan has been inspiring women workers since her first stand for the rights at 17 years old. The film Norma Rae was once a staple in Women’s Studies classrooms. In my own home, my mother refers to me as Maude/Rhoda and my littlest sister as Norma Rae and we wear those names at family outings with pride.

How many more people have to die for the greed of the health care industry before we have health care reform?

read more about Crystal Lee Jordan here.

2 thoughts on “Feminist Icon & Labor Activist “Norma Rae” Dies Waiting for HCR

  1. People clamoring about rationing under a public option have, very fortunately, quite likely never had to go to their own health insurance when very, very ill.

    This is a very sad post, and makes me very angry.

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